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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gitar vs. Kitab


So, how your day.? perhaps you all have a nice day..

Tahu main gitar??.Siapa yang tahu main tu untung la..Actually, aku teringin bangat sih..Tapi tak ada siapa yang nak tolong ajarkan..aku tengok sekarang dah ramai giler yang pandai main. tak kira lelaki even perempuan..tengok artis sekarang pun dah ramai macam najwa latiff, ana rafali n etc..pasal artis tu tak nak cerita lah kan..aku sebagai ordinary person teringin jugak..huk3x..

kalau kecik2x dulu aku berangan giler nak main piano..bila tengok someone main piano mesti ingat dia tu romantik..hehehe..sonok tengok jari-jari tu duk menari atas note(note ke orang panggil, bedal je lah)..sekarang teringn nak main dua alat muzik ni."

then tengah hari tadi tengok la Muzik-muzik, dia ada tunjuk cara nak main gitar..mak i pun tengok kejap, tu pun dia lalu depan tv je..then i said to my mom..lebih kurang macam nie la aku  cakap:

budak comot: mom, can i have a guitar?
luvly mother: better you buy kitab, instead having a guitar.(KEDEGANG).. i would not buy you guitar even if i die and life again...(smiling)
budak comot: hahahaha..(laughing)

then i try asked my you know what his answer.. exactly the same..same point even the lovely couple..have the same answer..

Moral of Story..
It is essential to learn something more valuable knowledge before go to something that not provide enough benefit..does not mean that play guitar would not bring any benefit, just you need to put ilmu agama as priority on your life..(in my case lah), play guitar can release stress, enjoyable and can make it hobby..
Perhaps, one day i can have my own piano and colour..ahakz..(^_^)

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